Thursday, May 3, 2012

Scientists have discovered evidence of ancient oceans on Mars

Scientists have found further evidence in favor of the fact that Mars was once (about 3 billion years ago) was filled with water - groundwater, lakes, rivers, hot springs - and, according to some models, even boasted its own ocean in the northern hemisphere.

New data MARSIS radar spacecraft Mars Express Orbiter, according to Jeremy Muzhino University of California at Irvine (USA ) and his colleagues argue in favor of Oceanus Borealis, transfers Kompyulenta.
Radar recorded the sediments in the geological region Vastitas Borealis thickness of about 100 m, which are located on the volcanic rocks. It is important to note that the rate of deposition of the dielectric constant has a value of 4-5, whereas the volcanic rocks - 9-10 and above. ( In pure ice, he is equal to 3.1. ) Scientists believe that such a low value can be explained only by the deposition of large deposits of water or sediment, mixed with plenty of ice.
Answering yes to the question of the existence of an ancient ocean, can not escape the following issues: where did the water? .
I should also mention that the lander Phoenix, which sat in the Vastitas Borealis in 2008, discovered deposits of water ice just a few inches under the ground.

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