Wednesday, April 18, 2012

' Just ' director of '1 C ' spoke and awarded...

On Friday, May 13 '1 C ' held a press conference on' CSTB '. There were two points ( on the program - for half an hour, which was preconditioned ) reporting the story of Boris Nuralieva the affairs of the company and the award winners of student competitions. About the second part, I wrote a detailed post -. Accounting - a serious matter, the men then fold.

About the contents of the report Nuralieva - I will write later. And now - some general considerations.

Last year, the actual presentations, talks and a dinner buffet, were divided, now united.

I've said many times that strongly disapprove of this ' integration ', adhering to the principle of ' burgers and flies - individually '. It is a bad style, which initially shows the problems the organizers.

A problem can be seen: the journalists were not too many. Moreover, the majority - from the category of ' old guard ', which, generally speaking, are not very well.
Given that we are talking about the leader of the Russian IT market!.

As is typical - the question and then in fact there was no. And the questions, as we know, does not happen in two cases - when everything is clear and if anything is unclear.
I also had no problems: already forgotten issue....

Yes, even in this year's ' profile ' the minister looked briefly at the award.

In the course of awarding Professor Dmitry Chistov named Boris Nuralieva 'CEO ', but he immediately corrected him - ' I - just the director '.

However, I already wrote about this a couple of years ago, the word ' president ' in Russian means the default is ' the president of Russia ', ' director ' in a community - 1C - Boris Nuraliev.

Note: In the first case involves a post, while the second - the proper name.

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