Friday, April 27, 2012

To Earth came ' The Age of Demons

Recently the world has witnessed the anniversary of the beginning of the dark and difficult period of history. February 18 3102 BC, according to Hindu belief, the earth an era of Kali Yuga. ' Iron Age ', ' The Age of demons ', ' The Age of ignorance ' - such unflattering words describe this stage of history. And people still suffer very, very long time. Or not?.
According to Hindu scriptures, the history of the world is cyclical, and it consists of four periods - ' South '. All events have already occurred and steadily repeated in the future, repeated four times. Everything is reincarnated and again and again, human life, the historical era, the life of the gods and the development of space.

Hinduism knows the era of four -' Yuga ', each of which lasts longer unthinkable in human terms the term. From the ' gold ' to ' Iron Age ' period has been steadily declining: this is due to the fact that decreases Dharma - a concept that represents the duty, morality and good behavior. From age to age Dharma is getting smaller, which makes the yugas fall.

Satya Yuga, or as it is otherwise called, the South of Crete ( the age of purity) and the Virgin of the South ( the age of the gods ) lasts 1,728,000 years. Treta of the South, where the dharma is reduced by a quarter, the duration is three -quarters of Kryta Yuga - 1.296 million years. In the next period, called the Dwapara South, from the original Dharma is only half, so it's not surprising that it lasts only a half -time ' golden age ' - 864 000 years.

Well, we ' lucky ' to live in the last era called the Kali Yuga. The darkest, most difficult period, which contains only a quarter Yuga Dharma of Crete, 18 February 3102 BC. And the toil of humanity in this era of long 432,000 years... Of course, 5114 years have passed, but there was something as much as 426,886!.
If the south of Crete can be had called ' golden age ', and the Treta Yuga and Dwapara Yuga - respectively ' silver ' and ' bronze ', the Kali Yuga receives far more severe nicknames, of which the ' Iron Age ' - perhaps the most gentle. This period belongs to the messenger of the apocalypse, the destruction of the demon Kali. ' Strife, fight, quarrel, confrontation ...

End of Kali Yuga to global catastrophe, and then update the universe will go back to the wonderful ' golden age '. But, frankly, much optimism is not encouraging, especially since even many, many generations are destined to suffer at the very short but very wicked period in world history.

Hindu scriptures describe a very gloomy period Kali Yuga. ' Kali Yuga is the abode of sin, when everyone is busy sinful activities. People reject spiritual truth, and engaged in the game and stealing. All are tied to sex and bewildering the mind drinks. In the foreground heretics and atheists ' ( Padma Purana ).

The main signs of the age of Kali - ' cruelty, jealousy, lying, cheating and fraud, the collapse of religious and moral values ​​, deadly disease, hunger and fear ' ( Brahmanda Purana ).

'Women will be unchaste, will cease to be interested in religion, and they love wine and meat. Without much effort would be impossible to survive. People will easily fall into a rage, to commit violent acts. The rulers will nizkorodnymi and false. Do not hesitate, people will kill children in the womb '- Vayu Purana threatens.

Throughout the Kali Yuga ' rulers are false and evil, and they will take away the property from his subjects, and their laws will be just as easy to install, as well as to cancel. Their piety would be negligible, and the insatiable desire. In the distant future, people no longer able to endure the oppression of greedy rulers, and flee into the mountains, where they will eat grass and roots, wild honey and fruits ', - politicize the situation of Vishnu Puran. A Linga Purana adds: Thieves will become kings, kings are no better than thieves, they will cease to be the protectors and intercessors for the people, and they will be the first enemies, plunderers of their property.
' Pseudo-science will flourish. There will be clan, family killings. Helpless and defenseless people to be seen as an easy target for robbery '. ... The Company will approve of sexual intercourse, it would be considered a basic need of life '. ' How much will thrive sin, so great is the divine justice and punishment. When the flowers start to grow in the colors of fruit and vegetables inside the fruit, then shall the end of the Yuga and the clouds shed rain is not in his time ', - the other scriptures of Hinduism.

What will end the era of Kali? . Fight with Kali and his evil family that controls our world today, Shri Kalki will leave on a white horse, and win, and the world will burn in the fire to be reborn into a new Satya Yuga, an era of great.

However, the name of Kali Yuga perfect dark stain on the history of the world it would be wrong. Even in this ' age of the demon ' is rather short ( on the general standards of the Kali Yuga ) during the ' golden time'. In the Brahma Purana, Krishna says vaivarta Ganga Devi that after 5,000 years after the onset of Kali Yuga comes a special time - the Golden Age of Kali, which will last 10,000 years. And this is great news for us, the living: in fact, given that now there is 5114 a year from the date of the beginning of the Kali Yuga, we have 114 years of living in a ' Golden Age of Kali '.

At this time assigned special hopes, until the abolition of the coming apocalypse. If the 10 000 light years, all forces can get to know each other and unite, it is possible that a decisive battle between the Sri Kalki, and Kali does not happen, and the world enters a new era of gentle and painless way.
And the scriptures are not only ' print in addition ' the era of Kali, bad words, but find in it something good and useful. Srimad- Bhagavatam says that many of the great souls of Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga and Dwapara Yuga would like to re- incarnate in the south of Cali, because, though it is heavy, dark time, but it was in the era of Kali, the Earth will come a lot of pure souls, communication with .

However, there is a point of view according to which, the end of Kali Yuga is much closer than people think. Like, in the original calculations contained errors resulting in the apocalypse, moved away for many thousands of years, but in actual fact it is ' at the door '. According to this view, the end of ' the age of Kali '... has exactly the current leap year in 2012. In this case, this is the second ' doomsday ' drop-down for the current year. And induissky apocalypse coincides with the one on the calendar maya is scheduled for December 21, 2012.

Daria Sivashenkova.