Thursday, April 5, 2012

mega machines

For Scientific Discovery Channel is an educational transfer '. mega machines. ' And there is constantly talk about the biggest and most rare instances of machines embodied in a reality with the help of talented engineers. When you look at these monster vehicles heart stops. And to see a whopper of a live, in general, perhaps we could emotsionirovat long pants. However effective these mega machines are mainly used in quarries, where the thickness and volume of the body makes them an indispensable work.

Большие машины

Большие машины

Большие машины

Большие машины

Большие машины

Большие машины

Большие машины

Большие машины

Большие машины

Большие машины

Большие машины

Большие машины

Большие машины

Большие машины

Большие машины

Большие машины

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